
Serve: Serve & Volley

Serve: Serve & Volley

Part three of three. In this series we learn how to start a game of tennis. Following on from previous lessons on how to serve and what to do following the serve.

Serve and volley may have died out a bit on tour due to the surfaces playing slower and the balls being bigger to help encourage longer baseline rallies. However at club level it is still one of the most effective ways to win points in both singles and doubles.

This is something that’s not only a fun way to pass some of the time stuck at home, but it’s a great way to learn new skills that will help you become a master in no time. If you want to have a go, video your efforts and upload/tag our Facebook page!

Over the coming weeks, we will be posting videos similar to this, each one aimed at improving your skills or helping you learn new ones. So be sure to keep an eye on our website pages and social media channels for more.

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