
COVID Procedures Message

COVID Procedures Message

Please be aware that the rate of infection and hospitalisation has continued to rise in our area:

As a club we have a vicarious responsibility to ensure that all our members are adhering to current guidelines to ensure the optimum health and safety of each other

THIS IS A REMINDER to all our members to follow the recommended COVID 19 guidelines, they are there to protect you and all CLTC members.

When attending a social function in the clubhouse such as Hot Dog evening, Sevens Tournament, Quiz Night, Christmas Sing Along we kindly ask all members to wear a mask if you have not been double jabbed.

Do a home test the morning before the event – you can either go to the local testing centre or pick up a free pack of tests from your local pharmacy.

You should also bring an NHS Covid Pass with you to the event.

On all other occasions we kindly request that all members entering the clubhouse –

  • Sign in and sanitise your hands.
  • Wear a mask when entering and moving around the clubhouse (unless you have a medical exemption)
  • Maintain social distancing wherever possible and use the toilet procedures as posted in both the cloakrooms
  • Open windows to ventilate the building and ensure adequate airflow throughout but, PLEASE remember to CLOSE the windows again if you are the last to leave.

If you are feeling ill or showing symptoms, or feel you cannot comply with the above please  DO NOT enter the clubhouse.


Judy Young & Lynda Herity

If you have any questions, please email either one of us:
Judy.young@ntlworld.com   |   Heritylynda@me.com